Rocket Chat on Android EmulatorTo build and run the Rocket.Chat React Native application in an Android emulator, follow these step-by-step instructions:Oct 21, 2024Oct 21, 2024
libprotobuf.a: X compile with Android NDK using BazelTo build libprotobuf.a using Bazel and the Android NDK, follow these steps:Oct 6, 2024Oct 6, 2024
libprotobuf.a: X compile with Android NDKUseful while working on Native library.Oct 5, 2024Oct 5, 2024
Your Personal Data is in Plain-text?STOP paying for paid Named Entity Recognition (NER) tools!May 2, 2024May 2, 2024
Published inDev GeniusSignal Protocol — In PicturesThe idea is to illustrate the signal protocol flow using pictures with minimal text.Mar 15, 2024Mar 15, 2024
DMA Synchronous In Network Interface Card?In general, this synchronisation happens via ring descriptor between NIC(Network Interface Card) and host CPU. You will get packet path…Oct 7, 2023Oct 7, 2023
Published inDev GeniusTranspose HuggingFace Models to GGUF FormatLlama.cpp provides an efficient method for running LLMs on both CPUs and GPUs. However, these two frameworks utilize different file formats…Sep 23, 20235Sep 23, 20235
Nginx for FastAPI — MinimalisticThis represents the streamlined setup for quick initiation, particularly when you’re involved in crafting a Docker image and require…Sep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
My Learnings — How To Assess A Startup?Difference between StartUp and a Business is described quite gracefully by Paul Graham. Growth is one important metric for a startup, but…Oct 27, 20221Oct 27, 20221
Software Project Workflow In NutshellConsider this as a cheat sheet for software project workflow. Idea is to capture as many details in a drawing that can give glimpse of the…Feb 9, 2022Feb 9, 2022
Published inDev GeniusCompiling C/C++ : Notes/TipsWhen it comes to performance, C and C++ even today are unbeatable. They are compiled languages and a code written in C or C++needs to be…Jan 18, 20222Jan 18, 20222
Latest Android NDK To Build OpenCVNew Android NDK toolchain to build any arbitrary project.Aug 25, 2021Aug 25, 2021
Published inDev GeniusStory Of Data — Source to ProductionBusiness analysts understand the business needs and pass the requirements to the data analyst.Feb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
Published inDev GeniusDataset Assessment FrameworkWith GDPR and CCPA, enforced cloud companies needs to comply data for fair usage. This is brief framework to get started …Feb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
Published inThe StartupPython Memory ManagementWhat happens under the hood, lets go …Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
Published inDev GeniusAutomated Documents — Google Docs APIThis article is published during COVID-19 outbreak timesMar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaFacenet on Modile — Part 3Understanding it, a bit more …Sep 25, 20193Sep 25, 20193
Published inDev GeniusStandalone C++ Build — Tensorflow + OpenCVThis tutorial is about setting up your local Tensorflow and OpenCV standalone build for C++ implementation. This tutorial is tested with…Jul 4, 20193Jul 4, 20193
Published inAnalytics VidhyaFaceNet ArchitectureThe comprehension in this article comes from FaceNet and GoogleNet papers.Apr 4, 20194Apr 4, 20194
Published inAnalytics VidhyaFacenet on MobileConverting Facenet (.pb) to Facenet (.tflite)Feb 28, 201923Feb 28, 201923